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The Mission selector is part of the VEAF Tools application. Read the installation and description in the global VEAF Tools application documentation.

Using the Mission Selector

The goal of the mission selector is to choose a mission based on a schedule that you’ll provide, and set up your server to start with the selected mission.

Therefore, some prerequisites are needed:

The way it works is quite simple: you set up a serverSettings-default.lua file. This file is the same as the classic serverSettings.lua; it contains the list of all your existing missions (it can easily become huge, with the all the weather and starting conditions!)

The Mission selector tool reads the schedule, decide which mission it will select, and searches for it in the serverSettings-default.lua file. If it finds it, it creates a serverSettings.lua file and sets the current and listStartIndex properties set to the correct index for the selected mission; the next time the server starts, it will automatically load this mission.

Command line options

The Mission selector tool is designed to be launched from the command line.

It’s actually a specific command of the veaf-tools application.

veaf-tools select-mission <source> <target> <configuration>

Mandatory command-line options

The following command-line options are mandatory; don’t use the option name, they’re positional arguments (i.e., you must specify them in the order they’re listed here):


veaf-tools select-mission serverSettings-default.lua serverSettings.lua schedule.json

Optional command-line options

The following command-line options are optional, and are available for both the inject and injectall commands:

Default server settings

As we said, this is a copy of the main serverSettings.lua file, with all the missions that you want to use. Here is an example of such a file.

It’s very important that all the available missions are listed, and that the indexes of the missions array is correct. You can use the Google Sheet helper tab “Mission list helper” to help with renumbering the missions.

Schedule definition file

The schedule definition file is a JSON file that defines the schedule of your missions. Here is an example of such a file.

It defines several items:

Each moment in the moments collection defines a mission to run at a specific time. It has the following elements:

Google sheet helper

We made this handy Google Sheet to help you with the schedule definition file. It has 3 tabs:

Here’s an example of a generated schedule definition file.


Made and maintained by the Virtual European Air Force, a French DCS pilot community.

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