Playing in the OpenTraining mission
Please refer to the OpenTraining documentation (in french) or to the VEAF-Mission-Creation-Tools documentation (in english) to get additional details.
Basically, you need to add a marker to the map and use a quick command.
Here is a quick recap of a few possible commands. All these commands accept the following optional parameters (add to the command , <parameter> [value]
) :
(either blue or red; defaults to the opposing coalition): the coalition that the unit/group will belong to ; e.g.-sam, side blue
(default RUSSIA): the name of the country this unit/group will belong to; e.g.-sam, country USA
(default none, a named point or a town name): the destination of the unit/group; e.g.-armor, dest TBILISI
(default 25): the speed in km/h if a destination has been set; e.g.-armor, dest TBILISI, speed 40
(default not set): if set, the unit/group will not use roads; e.g.-armor, dest TBILISI, offroad
(default not set): if set, the unit/group will patrol between its spawn and destination points; e.g.-armor, dest TBILISI, patrol
(default depending on the type of spawn): the number of units that will be spawned in a group, or the number of groups (-cas
); e.g.-transport, size 25
(from 0 to 5; default depending on the type of spawn): with 0 the group will not be defended, while 5 will almost certainly spawn SA15s and SA8s; e.g.-transport, defense 0
(from 0 to 5; default depending on the type of spawn): with 0 the group will not include any armored vehicles, while 5 will almost certainly spawn heavy tanks; e.g.-transport, armor 3
They can be combined; e.g. -armor, size 20, armor 5, defense 0, dest TBILISI, offroad, speed 15
Spawning defenses
: Random SAM battery-samLR
: Random long range SAM battery-samSR
: Random short range SAM battery-sa2
: SA-2 Guideline (S-75 Dvina) battery-sa3
: SA-3 Goa (S-125 Neva/Pechora) battery-sa6
: SA-6 Gainful (2K12 Kub) battery-sa8
: SA-8 Osa (9K33 Osa) sam vehicle-sa9
: SA-9 Strela-1 (9K31 Strela-1) sam vehicle-sa10
: SA-10 Grumble (S-300) battery-sa11
: SA-11 Gadfly (9K37 Buk) battery-sa13
: SA-13 Strela (9A35M3) sam vehicle-sa15
: SA-15 Gauntlet (9K330 Tor) sam vehicle-sa18
: SA-18 manpad soldier-sa19
: SA-19 Tunguska (2K22 Tunguska) sam vehicle-shilka
: ZSU-23-4 Shilka AAA vehicle-zu23
: ZU-23 AAA vehicle
Spawning troops
: Mortar team-arty
: M-109 artillery battery-armor
: Dynamic armor group-infantry
: Dynamic infantry section-transport
: Dynamic transport company-combat
: Dynamic combat group-cas
: Generate a random CAS group for training-convoy
: Convoy - needs ", dest POINTNAME"-jtac
: JTAC humvee
Examples of improvised missions
Goal : escort the BLUE1 convoy.
Simply enter the following commands into the markers shown on the map:
-point BLUE1
-combat, spacing 2, defense 1
-convoy, dest BLUE1, side blue
- creation of a point named BLUE1
- spawn a RED combat group (with light air defenses)
- spawn a RED armored group
- spawn a standard BLUE convoy, going to the BLUE1 point
- BLUE1 named point coordinates are available from the F10 radio menu (F10 → VEAF → NAMED POINTS → List all points)
- You can spawn a BLUE JTAC with
-jtac, laser [code]
where [code] is the laser code (defaults to 1688).